
Showing posts from September, 2015

Autumn, Arrival of the New Season

Well, it is a new season, are you ready for the seasonal shift! There are many changes as the seasons shift.  The climate changes, time changes and even in our spiritual season of life things are changing.   We have to be ready as nature shifts from one season to the next, it’s inevitable, no matter what the seasons; seasons of our lives will change. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Autumn is here.   Autumn is the season of harvest, it is a transitional season. As nature shifts from one season to the next, seasons of our lives changes. During the autumn season the leaves drop off, fall and turn colors. The leaves must fall. The fallen leaves are just an indication of dropping the old, letting it go, and accepting the new. Isaiah 43:18, 19 will help us transition to this next season "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old, 19) Behold, I will do a new thing,  now it sha...

Welcome, A New Season

Ecclesiates 3:1  To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: As you enjoy this poem just know that our season has change and a new journey is on the horizon. I encourage you to welcome your new season. New Season My season has ended, and so a new one begins. Winter's old death, turning into spring's new life. Sleeping flowers awaken, unleashing the beauty that lay dormant. A bitter chill, to a warm breeze. A wailing howling wind, to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping. Frosts grip loosens and turns to morning dew. Embracing what once was taken for granted. Life, love, and liberty. Life once overlooked, and now life looked over. Love once ignored, now love explored. A prisoner once chained to mind, Now liberated, my spirit roams free. The new season brings new rules. Not the rules of my old existence, But the rules of universal love. For my love to be true, My life must be as well, As it is loves...

New Season

Beloved be bless by Martha Munizzi as she ministers through this anointed prophetic  song ,  know that it is a new season and a new day, a fresh anointing is coming your way. Sit back and relax and listen to this uplifting song as it delivers a powerful message.   There is a New Season!

Magnify the Lord

“ Oh, magnify the Lord with me and exalt his holy name together (Psalm 34:3).” Here the palmist encourages us to praise God; you will find David’s personal testimony as the beginning of the text unfolds (Psalm 34:1-3). The word magnify Heb.(gadal) literally means to make large in body, mind, estate…... to bring up, exceed. Think of looking at something small through a magnifying glass then it appears larger through the glass lens. The glass makes it appear bigger yet it maintains its size. To demonstrate and associate God using the magnifying glass we know that God cannot appear larger because He is already bigger than we could ever imagine. How great is our God? His greatness surpasses man’s understanding. God is greater than all situations and troubles, He’s greater than all our fears; His greatness can be accounted through many actions of miracles presented throughout the Bible. If we trust Him, He is well able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. We have to ...

It's A Beautiful Day

Let this video bless you and bring happiness to your day such an uplifting song, be blessed It's A Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace

I Believe

If God said it that settles it, it's already done, just BELIEVE . Whatever you are believing God for, Trust Him; He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6). As you listen to this inspiring song by James Fortune & Fiya, I pray it minister and encourage your spirit  know matter what you are facing or how you are feeling to continue to trust and believe God no matter how hard it gets.  Let us pray: Father we praise You because You are a passionate God. We thank You for bringing  your Word to pass in our lives.  Nothing is impossible for You. Strenghten our hears so we can walk by faith and believe You for the impossible things in our lives. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.