VERY RELIGIOUS - Manchester Victims

article written by Evangelist Rosetta Cooper House of Prayer Ministries Acts 17:22, 23 So Paul stood in the midst of Areopagus and said men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all aspects. Paul noticed an altar with the words, "TO AN UNKNOWN GOD" along with various objects of idol worship. Paul proclaimed the Gospel to a group of religious people who looked the part of a Christian. Today we know who God is and the people of Athens did not know about God due to ignorance. Paul told them that God made the world and indeed creation was not by human hands. This week in Manchester (UK) a man described as religious in 2017 took the lives of 22 people at a concert. Salman Abedi age 22 was called the face of hate used a bomb on his body to kill innocent people. Religion without Christ a man with no compassion yet he looked the part. We are children of God we are protected from the adversary. I believe that if we were in Manchester we would escape unh...