Still I Rise

For this moment, I believe this is an appropriate word. My apologies for my inconsistencies and inactivity, I have been keeping my equilibrium through these challenges. I know to everything there is a season, and at this present time is a season of tough endurance along with the recovery of surgery. Some seasons we faced in life are great and some seasons are tough. If you are in a great season, it's only going to get greater. And if you are in a tough season, be of good cheer, it shall be well. While our circumstances may be challenging and difficult, they will not last forever. We must rise above all challenges great, Rise above anger! Rise above attacks! Rise above defeat! Rise above frustration! Rise above disappointment! Rise above regret! Rise above adversities! Still I Rise During this journey of physical healing and victory, I had to sift my spiraling emotions to savoring my Father's Words by setting my affection on t...