God's Got You Covered

Psalms 91:1-4
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Always pack your umbrella. Umbrellas can provide coverage and protection from the sun, the wind, the rain and anything that fall on you. It could be a sudden shower or downpour accompanied by hail or wind, notice there are many types of umbrellas to suit your rain needs and climate. Whatever type of umbrella you utilize to accommodate your need, it does not stop the rain from falling however it will offer you the coverage you require. Choose to be under God's umbrella of protection and He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you may seek refuge. When the unexpected floods and turbulence of life interrupts the flow of our normal routine, it is then that we can say of the Lord, that He is our refuge and our fortress, Our God in whom we will trust. No matter what is going on in this world God is our covering, in spite of the traumatic events, the terrorists, the natural disasters and other pressures we encounter that happens to us. God is our refuge; we can trust God and His word. He is able to deliver us

Noah and his family are great examples of how God covered and preserved them after he obeyed God's command to build an ark. They entered the ark and God shut them in kept Noah and all who entered was safe and secure. Noah had confidence in God; he listened to God and believed His word when others ridiculed him. God delivered Noah based upon his faith. Sometimes we have to trust God even when it does not make sense. The storms of life are bound to happen and you can rest assure that God will cover and protect you. God can and will rebuke the wind and the waves. We have to worship as we God through the storm, He wants our worship. Our worship is the response to God's promises being fulfilled. 

What's so awesome is when Noah and his family exited the ark, they were preserved from the worst flood ever in history, and from this deliverance they erected an altar and sacrificed a sincere praise up to God. Their worship came up to God as a sweet smelling savour and it pleased Him, God was engaged in their worship, and it pleased God that He made a covenant with Noah never again to destroy all life on earth by flood. Just as God kept his covenant with Noah, He will keep His agreement with us. Our worship touches the heart of God and unlocks the key to heaven. God is longing for our worship; we were created us in His image to worship Him. The story of Noah demonstrates to us how Noah could count on God to fulfill His promise. We can count on God in keeping His promises. God used the rainbow as a sign of His promise. God’s got you covered; He is our shelter from the storms in our life.

Prayer: Thank You for Your supernatural protection in our lives, our homes, and our communities. Help us to be still and know that You are God. Draw us to worship You and know that You honor and bless our sacrifice. We will hold to the promises of Your Word in the name of Yeshua.


  1. Yeshua is our Peace n the midst of the storms of life. The Holy Spirit is our protection in the spirit however, in the natural that umbrella is a lifesaver.

  2. Yes Indeed, thanks Rose for those encouraging words. Blessings!

  3. Well said and stay blessed!
    -Ivy Morecare

    1. Thank you Ivy for your kinds words and for stopping by, God bless you!!!

  4. Thank You. I needed this Word from God: "God Got Me Covered" This is also very well written. Continue to allow the Lord to use you to bless HIS people.

  5. Thank you Linda for your words of encouragement and I am glad that you were inspired. Blessings to you!

  6. Bless you Woman of God this has truly blessed me. Thank you so much 4 posting this and allowing God to use you.....

    1. God bless you Anonymous and I am so humble that you was blessed and thanks for stopping by, be forever bless!


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