Transaction In The Spirit

article written by Prophetess Cynthia Johnson 
"Cynthia Johnson Ministries"

     There is a place in God where we can honor, worship and praise the Lord without any restrictions. We can abide there and be surrounded by His Glory. It’s a Market place in the Spirit where we can transact business. We can deposit our worries, fears and defeats. We can withdraw peace, assurance and victories. No one can give us the liberty, freedom and serenity like being in the presence of the Lord Jehovah. He speaks and causes war to cease in our spirit, soul, mind and physical being. We can generate an exchange in the Spirit for our sorrows, disappointments and defeats for joy, satisfaction and triumph.

      We don’t have to have money, credit cards or debit cards in this transaction. Nothing has to be put on hold or in the lay-a-way for the next thirty days. There will not be a cashier at the checkout counter. There will be no receipts needed for this exchange. We can decree a thing and God Himself will honor and fulfill it. We can declare a thing and He the Lord will release His warring angels to carry out the assignment.

     The Lord is waiting for us to pronounce the Words in our prayers so He can give us the victory. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. Even a mother knows to feed her baby when they begin to cry excessively. The Lord is sensitive to our needs. He is awaiting our cry "In The Spirit." He will in no wise turn a deaf ear to our call. There will not be any interruptions to disconnect this encounter. He delights in giving His children prosperity and good success. 


  1. Awesome word. In the presence of God there is the fullness of Joy. And that fullness is of Him anythinh you need or desire. God has got it. Be blessed. Keke

  2. Cynthia this is an encouraging and motivating article to remind us that all we need is through the Father who has all ready paid the down payment of our full redemption which gives us access to the Father and truly our blessings are accessible in the Spirit.

  3. Women of God this is a awesome word here and watch this, it Works! Because The Holy Spirit has taught me to pray in this matter even before you published this. Confirmation for me. God bless you!

  4. Awesome word. God Bless You!


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