Article written by Rosetta Cooper
House of Prayer
John 10:10-The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
We are living in perilous times according to II Timothy 3:1-13. When a parent drops their child to school in the 21st Century it appears you may not see your child again. The Florida Massacre that happened on Valentine’s day this year killed 17 people. Young people share cards and candy instead they were either shot or mourning the death of a classmate. On May 18th Dimitrios Pagourtzis age 17 left the home he shared with his Mother and Father neither parent noticed any change in him. He wore a black jacket in the summer time they did not notice the armor he daily wore a Trench coat with a Nazi emblem. The rifle under his jacket sleeve apparently wasn’t seen by either parent. Parents are the keepers of their children especially under the age of 18 or High School students. That day he killed 10 humans and non-fatal injuries 13. The Fathers claims his son was bullied. If this was taking place why would the parents not address the situation with the authorities in the school and perhaps have a meeting to remove the alleged bullying. Governor Greg Abbott announced school safety plans and proposed changes in the current plan at all schools. President Trump greeted parents and extended his condolences to all that were at the school. Several days later the Department of Education gave Santa Fe school a million dollar grant toward protection of the students that attend Santa Fe High. Amazingly enough this situation was so bad the President of the United States came to a local high school to hug the bereaved parents of a predominately 98% white enrollment. The safety of all children matters no matter what skin they are born into. Jesus came to give life not death. The devil is the guilty one for all he needs is a willing vessel to carry out his evil deeds. This young man age 17 is being held on charges of capital murder and aggravated assault on a police officer. Who is really guilty is the 17 year old totally the blame, or his parents who had the weapon in the home.
There was one student that saw the rifle and he pulled the fire alarm which signal authorities that something was going on in the school before shots of a gun rang out and all the students and Teachers ran for cover. We are rearing a generations of youth that don’t have a conscience of good or evil. The truth is choose life or choose death it appears much easier to choose death and to punish innocent people because of inward pain. As a result of his choice that morning his sister is being bullied and the parents are being sued. Meanwhile he will sit in jail for life for his actions of taking the law into his own hands. The word of God is true and it remains the truth from generation to generation Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Some parents are causing great harm to their children when they don’t know if they are coloring in a book or building a bomb to take the life of innocent classmates or Teachers. Children must be loved, disciplined and praised. We must not depend on the television to shape the lives of our children or the video games with all the shooting and killing they are role playing. We pray the people who he killed were READY death can be unexpected.
Amen! the truth has been told. Well said rosetta.