When God Heals

This poem "When God Heals" is a tribute to my Beautiful Princess Sweet Pea and to all who hearts are broken and were impacted near and far by her gone too soon unexpected young death. The pain, sadness and distress is gravely fresh, and we know healing and grief is a journey. It is something that no one can avoid because at one time in our life, we will all find ourselves having to face it head on whilst praying that we are strong enough to do so. To those persons whose heart is heavy and anyone who has lost a love one, may this poem be a blessing to you. I want you to know God is a Healer! Love and Peace ❤ When God Heals When God comes to heal us, It's final and complete There is nothing that is lacking When He meets us in our need Whether it be in our body Or the hurt within our soul, He will touch the point of need And will truly make us whole His healing is there for you Just receive it from the Lord, Believe ...