When God Heals

This poem "When God Heals" is a tribute to my Beautiful Princess Sweet Pea  and to all who hearts are broken and were impacted near and far by her gone too soon unexpected young death. The pain, sadness and distress is  gravely fresh, and we know healing and grief is a journey. It is something that no one can avoid because at one time in our life, we will all find ourselves having to face it head on whilst praying that we are strong enough to do so. To those persons whose heart is heavy and anyone who has lost a love one, may this poem be a blessing to you.  I want you to know God is a Healer!  Love and Peace

When God Heals

When God comes to heal us,
It's final and complete
There is nothing that is lacking
When He meets us in our need

Whether it be in our body
Or the hurt within our soul,
He will touch the point of need
And will truly make us whole

His healing is there for you
Just receive it from the Lord,
Believe upon the living word
That you can be restored

Wherever there is weakness,
He is the strength we need
And He will gently lead us through
And heal the heart that bleeds

Jesus came to restore us
To fullness in our God,
But Satan has come to devour
And to kill, destroy and rob

But Jesus won the victory
So we need not be afraid
But claim the victory that is ours
And no longer live enslaved

We need to rise up in our faith
And not depend on how we feel,
Keep on praying and standing firm,
For our God surely heals.

© By M.S.Lowndes


  1. Excellently put from your heart❤Death hurts especially unexpected death. My hope is that we shall see them on the other side. Until then we cherish the memories and smile. God is good thru every tear😢.

    1. Yes absolutely true Lady Rose, thanks for reading and for your beautiful comment!

  2. Thank you for sharing! This is a constant reminder that He will never leave or forsake us. Even in our darkest hour Our Lord is still there with us in the stillness touching, comforting & healing the unseen scares that attempt to bind us as if there's no hope. But He said if we put our trust in Him, we will not be made ashamed.

    1. Yes absolutely true Lady Cyn, thanks for reading and for your beautiful comment!


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