Conquering your Crossroads

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Hello beloveds and welcome back!
I know it has been awhile since I written a post and to give a bit of context of my distance, life for me had gotten busy since I am a university student my focus is challenging school work and the reality of my elderly mother whose physical health has declined over the past four years. To God be the Glory, mentally speaking she's alive and well. Even in this God was and still is in control. In life we may face some crossroads and sometimes crossroads and the crossroads of choices will determine our destiny and change our path. Truthfully speaking, these crossroads are significant in defining where I am going at this present juncture in my life.
So, another chapter opens in my life, I was going to write about something else however I decided to write my reality. I pray all is well with everyone near and far as we shift into the middle of a new month and approach the end of the year. My year has been a year of self-awareness and self-discovery of change and of growth. I guess you can say it is my paradigm shift in my thinking, my growth and transformative journey of being and becoming. And that came by stepping out of the boat and launching into 'My' deep. My deep was venturing outside of my comfort zones and going back to school which takes a-lot of patience and perseverance. Well it's evident that school has been taking up my time and is a challenging and demanding journey and more demanding with each passing semester. Whatever 'Your' deep maybe just know it's never too late to begin again. Many of us do have comfort zones which is called a discomfort of change and believe me I do understand. Anxiety, fearfulness and other inducing emotions comes with undertaking a new endeavor, a new challenge or learning something new. And taking the first step into something new can be frightening specially when its unknown or out of your comfort zone.Let us look at Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 13) who was not afraid to move out they didn't see a difficult or challenging task they saw a challenge of change. One thing is for sure moving forward involves a change of attitude. As quoted by author Bob Proctor, change and growth is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice. Our change of comfort and growth is necessary, we must develop and grow into the better version of ourselves. We are completely in charge of our destiny. Move out of your place of comfort, God will give you what you need to accomplish the work and cause you to leap over walls.

Especially if that takes you crossing over into your Canaan of purpose and not allowing the fears to retained you. God is waiting for us to take the first step. The Message version of Numbers 13:30 we see where Caleb interrupted, called for silence before Moses and said, "Let us go up and take the land-now. We can do it." Yet, the twelve men were fearful and resisted to move forward, they did not trust God. Two of the men Caleb and Joseph decided to trust God...Caleb and Joshua are a good example that all things are possible with God. This very verse is speaking to someone.
For an in-depth study read Number 13 & 14 in its entirety. Caleb and Joshua believed the Lord's report, whose report will you believe. The question is not whether you can do it or whether you are willing to sacrifice your comfort. You can do it! It's all about effort and we make it seem like a frightening ordeal however it's not God is bigger than the false reality of giants portrayed. Canaan is our promise, God promises never fail..."Blessed be the Lord who has given rest to His people Israel according to all that He has promised. There has not failed one word of all his good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses." (I Kings 8:56) No matter what things look like, don't be afraid to enter your promised land. One of my favorite quotes by Robert M. Hensel: "Sometimes it takes us traveling outside our comfort zone to discover the abilities, we never knew we had." God is a God of advancement always moving his people forward and moving out involves faith in God. God is waiting on you, Come On! Let's do it!!!

Blessings and Love!!!
Lola Jones
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