Beginning of a New Year

photo credits: free-images

It's a New Season, It's a New Day, a Fresh Anointing is flowing your way, A Season of Power and Prosperity, It's a New Season waiting for You.

2022 has blown in a new season for many of us. The new season is associated with the winter season which may very well seem cold, no matter what. your winter will always turn into spring. As we grasp hold of this season let us hold fast to what God has in store for us. We must embrace, prepare, and get ready to receive all God has in store for us. Know that the children of Israel had to go through the wilderness before they reached the promised land, and I did say go through. They had to make a shift into their next season. Are you ready to make that shift? In life, no matter what we encounter, or are faced with we will get through, and pass through with God. So, I say to you, "Remember ye not, the former things neither the thing of old, behold God will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it. Isaiah 43:18-19). Something new is about to begin in your life.

They are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.~ C.S Lewis

Blessings, Lola Jones


  1. Greetings,
    Well said. The new season does bring changes. We leave the winter and enter spring. Change is a choice. As this season changes so should we with more patience, more love and more forgiveness. As usual these articles bless the reader with more insight.

    Evangelist Rosetta🌹


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