How Bad Do You Want It?

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, blessed be the name of the Father, I pray that you may be found well and in good health. If you are contemplating attempting a dream or goal, and you are hesitant to attempt it, this is your confirmation, go back and do it again. The answer to your desire is within you. Keep trying and do not give up on yourself, I know it sounds easier said than done. WE can not allow fear to get a grip on us. You must go from being Fearful to Fearless. Launch out into the deep again and let down your net. 

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answered, Master we have toiled all night and caught nothing
. nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. (KJV)

The lesson we can take away from this account is to take God at His Word and receive His promises. The sovereignty of God still reigns supreme over our lives. Whether things go well or bad, if we love (obey) God and if we are called according to his purposes, God will work for our good. It is still possible to achieve your dream or accomplish your heart's desire regardless of what your circumstances are, regardless of where you are right now, and regardless of your age. And please dont allow age to be a barrier. On that note, take a look at black history of John Morton Finney's testimony:

Some may think that we are living in times when you can have what you want.  Like the restaurant, the slogan says "Have it your way" per Burger King.  Contrary to what sounds good sometimes can be hard to attain.  The desire to continue one's education is and can be a journey with many unexpected experiences along the way.  To be honest according to Norman Vincent Peal the power of positive thinking begins with you.  How badly do you really want to reach your goals?  Do you desire that goal enough to make the necessary changes?  According to Proverbs 23:7 as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.  We must imagine ourselves at the finish line.  We must see ourselves undefeated in all areas in order to achieve our goals.   As a friend told me during a time of difficult achievement "Winners Win"!  There is no thought of losing only winning.  How bad do you want it?  It's yours go get it!  The power of positive thinking is all within you.


  1. Tyna- Mosaic La MaisonOctober 4, 2022 at 3:46 PM

    LOVE IT! Totally what GOD wanted me to hear! Thank You for such a Inspiring and Beautiful Write up thatat' s " Right On" Time. GOD BLESS


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