You Can't Get There If You Don't Get Started

Blessed is the man who finds out which way God is moving and then gets going in the same direction. –Anonymous.  Even though we are in the 8th month of August or where ever we may be in life, it does not matter, what really matters is that Now is the time. It is time to step out and move from where we are in life to where God wants us to be. And in order to do that we have to get moving. We can’t get there if we don’t get started, if we plan to fail to start; we fail to plan to start. The Oxford Thesaurus explains “start” as to begin, to commence, to establish.….it is getting up and getting out of the box, getting out of the boat and getting out of that comfortable place. You may feel like you in a holding pattern, like all progress seems to have stopped----as though things have become habit forming and complacency. You may be thinking you are out of place with God.  God can work right where we are and will help us get moving even if we don’t know where to start. He motivates us through his word. Ephesians 3: 20 states that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.

How you approach your start is entirely up to you; you can begin by first starting up your vehicle and permitting God to be the ultimate driver, the Alpha and Omega taking you from the beginning to the end. We have to get in position to take the limits off of our lives and that is by choosing to make a choice to start to challenge ourselves and pursue after our potential. Psalm 16:11 affirms this: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. Can you trust God and stand firm in your faith? Whatever your start may be, whether it is to carry out a new venture, write a book, a class of interest, your ministry, or just starting something fresh, begin to move out and tap into your passion and your purpose. So what are you waiting for, time to GET STARTED. 

Let’s Get Moving

Exodus14:15  "And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me?" speak unto the children of Israel , that  they go forward. In this particular passage, God had already given Israel  deliverance from the Egyptians. They only had one direction to go which was forward and from that move the unexpected happened. God makes His word so plain, "Move Forward." Peter had to get moving when he was summons to get out of the boat, if we want to walk on water we have to get out of the boat. Abraham had to get moving when he was told to move out from his comfortable place; Abraham trusted God and was counted as righteousness. Paul had to get moving when he was asked to get up and go into the city. Paul would have never made it to Rome if he did not travel on his missionary journeys. Until we take a risk and leave our comfort zone we will never be able to achieve our dreams. We have to let go and let God and trust His plans in faith that He will complete His will for our lives!

 Prayer: Sweet Holy Spirit we need you throughout this journey. Walk with us and give us clarity in knowing how to get started and get moving; we need your guidance. Help us to trust you even when we can’t trace you. According to your word give strength to our bones and flow in our inner man with living waters and cause us to spring forth abundantly. We thank and praise you for the journey at this present time and the journey to come in Jesus name. Amen.


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