Glory Carriers

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the broken relationship between God and man God always longed for communion
with them. When the Children of Israel were out in the wilderness God
instructed Moses on Mt Sinai to build him a place of habitation and to call it
the Tent of Meeting. He desired to be amongst the people. This tent allowed him
to be closer. In the tent was where The Ark of the covenant abided, and His
Glory rested there. His Glory was so sacred that only the priest was allowed to
go before the ark. If they were found to be unclean, they died.
God still desired the communion he once had with men and longed to be closer. He robed himself in flesh (Jesus) and came down and dwelt among us so that he could be touched with the feelings of our infirmities and overcome sin and death for us while in the flesh. He became the sacrifice that redeemed us and enabled us to be able to approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy. There are many who are anointed and called and there are those who have been chosen but amongst those called and chosen there aren’t many who carry his glory.
Did you know you can possess power but not carry his glory? Some may consider the power and the Glory the same. Yet Jesus listed them separately In the Lord’s prayer. Jesus says (Matthew 6:13) for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever Amen.
Revelations 21:3 speaks of the Tabernacle of God being with men. It is speaking of those who carry his glory. There are those who possess power but also pride and many other vices. Those who carry his glory have committed to the daily crucifixion of their flesh. Many are fooled because they assume that being powerful ensures that they are good. If this was so why is it that there will be those who say on judgement day I casted out demons and prophesied in your name, but he will say I never knew you. Those who carry his glory have merged with him therefore knowing him.
There is a place that you can come to in God where you find habitation and dwell in him. I don’t mean you become super spiritual. I mean to the point that you take on his character and his attributes. You merge with him to the point that you no longer exist. The old nature dies, and you just abide. It seems farfetched and unattainable but can be achieved. We as believers aren’t perfect but should strive for perfection.
We as believers are too comfortable once we come to a certain altitude. some even consider themselves to have arrived. Comfort is our enemy. It causes us to become complacent and stale and we the people of God are the salt of the earth. This comfort is why many are being deceived, lulled to sleep and falling away. The problem is we don’t know they're in danger or we ourselves because we are still doing what we’ve been doing. Gifts are without repentance.
Many believe long as they can still operate it means God approves. He can’t abide where there is filth. I say to all my brothers and sisters let us aspire to pursue greater depth for there is no end to him. There is more, if you desire his Glory to rest on and in you, you must be willing to suffer. You must be willing to be ostracized. You must be willing to walk his footsteps. He was despised and rejected he came to his own and wasn’t received. You must be willing to be misunderstood. The close you get the fewer your acquaintances. There aren’t many who are willing to go to this level in God. I encourage those who have a hunger for more to come up, “Deep calleth unto Deep.”
God still desired the communion he once had with men and longed to be closer. He robed himself in flesh (Jesus) and came down and dwelt among us so that he could be touched with the feelings of our infirmities and overcome sin and death for us while in the flesh. He became the sacrifice that redeemed us and enabled us to be able to approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy. There are many who are anointed and called and there are those who have been chosen but amongst those called and chosen there aren’t many who carry his glory.
Did you know you can possess power but not carry his glory? Some may consider the power and the Glory the same. Yet Jesus listed them separately In the Lord’s prayer. Jesus says (Matthew 6:13) for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever Amen.
Revelations 21:3 speaks of the Tabernacle of God being with men. It is speaking of those who carry his glory. There are those who possess power but also pride and many other vices. Those who carry his glory have committed to the daily crucifixion of their flesh. Many are fooled because they assume that being powerful ensures that they are good. If this was so why is it that there will be those who say on judgement day I casted out demons and prophesied in your name, but he will say I never knew you. Those who carry his glory have merged with him therefore knowing him.
There is a place that you can come to in God where you find habitation and dwell in him. I don’t mean you become super spiritual. I mean to the point that you take on his character and his attributes. You merge with him to the point that you no longer exist. The old nature dies, and you just abide. It seems farfetched and unattainable but can be achieved. We as believers aren’t perfect but should strive for perfection.
We as believers are too comfortable once we come to a certain altitude. some even consider themselves to have arrived. Comfort is our enemy. It causes us to become complacent and stale and we the people of God are the salt of the earth. This comfort is why many are being deceived, lulled to sleep and falling away. The problem is we don’t know they're in danger or we ourselves because we are still doing what we’ve been doing. Gifts are without repentance.
Many believe long as they can still operate it means God approves. He can’t abide where there is filth. I say to all my brothers and sisters let us aspire to pursue greater depth for there is no end to him. There is more, if you desire his Glory to rest on and in you, you must be willing to suffer. You must be willing to be ostracized. You must be willing to walk his footsteps. He was despised and rejected he came to his own and wasn’t received. You must be willing to be misunderstood. The close you get the fewer your acquaintances. There aren’t many who are willing to go to this level in God. I encourage those who have a hunger for more to come up, “Deep calleth unto Deep.”
Article written by Lakesha Lanier
Tabernacle of Meeting
Amen awesome read and yes all facts.
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