Destiny of Your Crown, You Made It

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Happy New Year's Eve Kings and Queens I trust you are having a lovely evening! Thank you for sharing my blog with me this means a-lot to me. Today is the last day of the year and my express attitude toward God "We Made It"! As you can see beloveds time has flown by and a new decade is on the horizon, we are heading into the new year of 2020 and stepping out of the year of 2019. The beneficial thing is we can begin a fresh new start in light of the fact that there is a stronger and prosperous future that anticipates us up ahead. As we wrap up the end of this year allow me to reflect on my year of 2019 believe me, trust me, I had my share of highs and low and in the middle of those highs and lows through it all thank God I Made It. Oh, the growth and the gratitude, God was there constantly, when everything seemed hopeless God step in and divinely orchestrated my path.
Nothing is over so despite what setback, heartbreak, disappointment, or unspeakable things that you have gone through in 2019 you can master the fate of your destiny. God is the Master Chess player of our lives, the only ONE who can make the impossible possible when we allow Him to orchestrate the chess pieces of our lives. We are the chess pieces that God moves to the specific square where we should be. As you press into 2020 and make ready to maximize this opportunity called life, remember God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). God desire is for you to have a wonderful life. Greater days are ahead, don't forget to take some time with the Lord, Jesus Christ paid it all for us and we owe him everything, our very lives, Matthew 6:33 says "But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right --the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also (AMP). New Beginnings, New Goals, New You! I wish you a healthy, successful and prosperous New Year!!!
Blessings and Love!!!
Lola Jones
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