Sound the Alarm

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Awake from sleep for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. There is a clarion call in the realm of the spirit. Many of the intercessors and the five-fold ministry have become desensitized and at ease. They have been lulled to sleep with mediocrity and the chasing of wealth. Our 'those that claim to be a part of the body' children are falling through the cracks. They are being deceived and drawn away by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We are busy laying hands on each other while our children witness the double lifestyle that is lived at home. God is calling for there to be a shifting and a soberness of mind. He desires for those that are supposed to be on the front line to be in position. There is no time for us to toil with our assignments. We must withstand our post and be vigilant. Our enemy is a worthy adversary, He is cunning and crafty. We can only defeat him if we are in Christ Jesus and that means walking in the spirit consistently.
God gives divine instruction all throughout His Word. Our obedience is predicated upon obeying His principles. That means laying aside every WEIGHT and sin that so easily beset us (Hebrew 12:1). Many put emphasis on the sin and pay no attention to the weight. Both have the same effect. It must be our decision to annihilate our flesh. We must willingly sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the gospel. There are many whose souls weigh in the balance. Hear the Word of the Lord. The time is now! The time is now, the time is now. God is about to recruit. He is calling for laborers. Are you ready to be used by God? For the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37). We need to be ready for the harvest of souls that is soon to come. We need to be ready and have our ears attentive to the voice of God for instruction. Truly, there is no time to waste, the Kingdom of God is at hand.
article written by Lakesha Lanier, 'The Encounter' Apostle Pierre Bryant
Amen the time is now��