Black History Fact

As we see the condition of the country is yet experiencing systemic racism, racism is alive and well in 21st century in America. Blacks have faced the battle of racism on numerous levels. The color of police violence, housing racial, job discrimination, disadvantage conditions and lack of governmental services have been hidden causes in the black community. These are a few instances of how America has not respected the value of black life. In this space, I would like to highlight an inhumane and cruel dimension on a black history fact of servitude and slavery. Chattels Personal Today I would like to expound on what Black slaves was considered as from the slave master. Blacks was considered as property as far back as the 1600's to the slave owners. Slavery was cruel, it could be found in many places, from antiquity to very recent times. Africans was first brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 and sold as "servants for life". In 1817 the cour...