
To God Be The Glory!!!

Greeting and Welcome to 4Kings and Queens, family of the royal priesthood of Christ. If you are reading this blog God’s hand is on your life; your life has been set apart for a divine purpose. That purpose is to be driven to do the will of God. If you have been adopted into the family of God then you become heirs with Him. All believers, male or female, young or old there is no age limit when your life is predestined by God. We're told in Jeremiah 1:5; Jeremiah was young when God called him and declared to him “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Just as God set Jeremiah apart for his divine purpose, that is what he wants to do in our lives based upon obedience and willingness to allow Him to help us walk out your divine calling.  I know there's a great possibility that you know their lies a king in you brother and their lies a queen in you sister. I pray Kings and Queens bless and inspire you to press toward the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus. You just had your consultation with the King of Kings, don’t miss your divine appointment; He is waiting. So glad you stop to visit my Kings and Queens. 


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