God Is Calling You Higher

The author Vance Havner once said ‘The man who is prepared to die is prepared to live.” When a person decides that taking up one’s cross and following after God is more important than the profits of the world that's when you know that self is not main event.  For one to forsake all and follow after Christ requires sacrifice and obedience. In the book of Luke 14th, Christ gave the disciples a command according to verses 26-27; 33, to surrender all, follow Him and become his disciple. He mentions if they could not renounce all-people in their lives that they loved the most, and if they are not willing to follow Christ, they could not become a disciple. Our love for GOD should be first and foremost; and that means stepping away from whatever may stand in the way of our “YES” to God’s will for our life. God is our guide for life. It’s like getting on a plane and allowing God to navigate and control the plane from one place to another until we reach our final destination. The primary instrument of the navigation is the compass. It always point in one direction and that is “UP.” Jesus is our spiritual compass and He will always point us in the right direction when we yield and trust our will over to Him. God knows the end from the beginning. 

Saul the son of Kish went on his journey to search out his father’s donkey. God guided his starting point up until the end of his journey; He was Saul’s navigational system. At the beginning of Saul’s journey he wanted to turn back because the quest was not successful, but instead was encouraged to move ahead and seek out a man of God proposed by the servant. In order to change your course, the mindset -thinking pattern- has to change, we can’t allow negative strongholds to get into our mind. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Paul’s change of mind transformed his life. Saul’s service of the donkey duty was the compass that directed him to Samuel who commissioned him to go up to the high place. God will use some unusual places and trials to get our attention, however he does it, he doesn’t make any mistakes. Is he trying to get your attention? He knows our future, Jeremiah 29:11” For I know the thought and the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.”  Saul was being established for the Kingdom. God was divinely placing Saul into his destiny through His appointed “seer” Samuel. (I Samuel 9:19).

I say to the Saul’s that reading this today that God wants to navigate you into your place of purpose. Thank God for the servant that was set in place as Saul’s indicator, to point him in the right direction of his destiny. In the midst of God calling Saul higher, he had to separate from the servant. Saul was told God’s will for his life and was chosen to become the king of Israel (I Samuel Ch.9 and 10).  Sometimes the mandate that God has on our life will call for a separation. Submit to the call and come up to a higher place in God. He is looking for people to use and will answer the call and not be afraid to navigate the sail of duty. It’s time to press toward the mark for the high calling of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14). He has called you to fill a special mission that only you can do. Are you ready to let God divinely navigate your life? 

As Mordecai said to Esther” who know whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). Esther is an extraordinary woman whose name meant “a star” and also means “to hide or conceal.” She was a woman who feared God and stood up to save God’s people. Early in life, Esther was left an orphan and reared by her uncle, Mordecai who had an office in the king’s court. Mordecai was Esther’s compass, her personal direction. He supported her in fighting the decree that was intended to destroy the Jewish people. Mordecai explained to Esther that she had to go to the King to save her people. Esther submitted to the call in the midst of risking her life, she put her life on the line, “And I will go to the king……..if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:13-16).  She obeyed the call and challenged her fears; are you willing to face your fears and allow God to navigate your future. God is calling for you Esther, will you answer the call? 
Rise Up Woman! God wants to work in your life like he worked in Esther’s life. Ephesians 2:10 states “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” God wants to use us for such a time as this. Esther took bold steps and moved forward to fulfill the purpose that God had preordained for her life. God had given her a position of royalty; He will do the same for us if we are willing and obedient to serve Him. Both Saul and Esther went through a season of preparation, there groundwork and training brought them to a place of favor with the King. Are you willing to take bold steps to move beyond your comfort zone? The Kingdom of God is within us for such a time as this.

Prayer: Almighty Father, as I pray this prayer be my spiritual GPS and navigate my life. It is my desire to be what you called me to be, a chosen generation. Perfect those things that concern me and warn me of any road blocks, detours or traps ahead. Put me on the right path and order my steps, let anything that is blocking the flow of the Spirit be removed. Help me to trust you Lord as I step out in faith, answer the call and the task that you have set before me, let thy will be done in my life for you have made me to be a Kingdom and priest and I shall reign on this earth in Jesus name. Amen.


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