
Showing posts from 2015

Don't Forget the Baby

Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!! Be Blessed

Thank You, Lord!

I Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." When I think about what is going on in the world today, and the most recent attacks on Paris it moved on me and cause me to be more thankful about everything in my life. I thought about this song "I Just Want to Thank You Lord" would be great to reflect on God's goodness and mercy in our lives. I pray this awesome song will be a blessing to you and a reminder to give thanks as you reflect on the God's goodness. We should be thankful to God just for who He is, El Shaddai, God Almighty. He gave us His everlasting and unconditonal love, peace that passes all understanding, unspeakable joy and His goodness. Oh that men would give thanks unto the Lord for His goodness. We know Thanksgiving is right around the corner  and some express thankgiving to the Lord during that time.  Truly it is a time of reflection and a time where many will be enjoying...

Peace Is Yours For the Asking

The mind is a very important thing to waste. The enemy attacks us in our mind, he desires to rob our peace. Therefore we have to guard our mind. Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:16 we have the mind of Christ. We should think like Christ think, having a Christ-like attitude. When the enemy comes in like a flood, we have to be like Jesus and declare the scriptures. Satan tried to tempt Jesus when He was in the wilderness and to place doubt in His mind by saying "If you are the Son of God", however Jesus boldly said to him, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God. God's word can overthrow our enemy, Satan. Whether it's through family, friends or love ones, the enemy will use any tactic to try to shake our peace.  Refuse to allow the enemy to steal your peace, He is subtle and cunning, shake him off! Every time the enemy attacks me, I shake it off and move forward. In spite of everything else moving, God...

God Is Faithful!

What a blessing to know that God is faithful, just knowing that He is not a man that He should lie; neither the Son of Man that he should repent, hath he said, and shall he not do it?  (Number 23:19)  As Norman Hutchins ministers this inspirational uplifting song God is faithful, give God the glory for His faithfulness, I pray that as you open up your heart and allow God to minister to your spirit through this vessel and to assure you that God is Faithful.  Sometimes we need a little reassurance that when we are faced with the trials that come our way. Just know that God is bigger than your mountain, bigger than your valley, bigger than your problem and bigger than your pain. Our God, God is faithful. Hold On to your faith and be fully persuaded that nothing can seperate us from His love; God want fail you, He is faithful!  “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded t...

Great is Your Reward, Hold On!

I Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who call us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." Greetings to you all! Give God the glory for the trials that you have faced, are facing and will face. And the reason I begin with "have faced" is because some of us have endured that specific trial for such a time as this, not to say the least that the trials are over in our lives. However, whatever pain, grief or sorrow that we experience, God is still in control, even when we don't understand why we are  experiencing certain trials in our life. In the midst of the trials we must still trust in God sovereignty, and know that all things is working for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).  Many trials I have faced and do face I know that my Redeemer liveth and knowing this I can make it through my various trials.  I've had some lonely days, and I've had ...

Greater is Coming


Just Because God Said It

Glory to God! Again God comes to speak to us through a spirit-filled song named by Lashun Pace, one of the most anointed vessel of all times.  Hear the word of the Lord as she blesses us with what God has truly blessed her with, just because God said it that's enough for me. Whose report will you believe, no matter what others may say just know what God says. Believe God if He called you, believe God if He healed you, believe God, He will change your life and put you on the right path. "Just Because God Said It" 

Autumn, Arrival of the New Season

Well, it is a new season, are you ready for the seasonal shift! There are many changes as the seasons shift.  The climate changes, time changes and even in our spiritual season of life things are changing.   We have to be ready as nature shifts from one season to the next, it’s inevitable, no matter what the seasons; seasons of our lives will change. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Autumn is here.   Autumn is the season of harvest, it is a transitional season. As nature shifts from one season to the next, seasons of our lives changes. During the autumn season the leaves drop off, fall and turn colors. The leaves must fall. The fallen leaves are just an indication of dropping the old, letting it go, and accepting the new. Isaiah 43:18, 19 will help us transition to this next season "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old, 19) Behold, I will do a new thing,  now it sha...

Welcome, A New Season

Ecclesiates 3:1  To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: As you enjoy this poem just know that our season has change and a new journey is on the horizon. I encourage you to welcome your new season. New Season My season has ended, and so a new one begins. Winter's old death, turning into spring's new life. Sleeping flowers awaken, unleashing the beauty that lay dormant. A bitter chill, to a warm breeze. A wailing howling wind, to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping. Frosts grip loosens and turns to morning dew. Embracing what once was taken for granted. Life, love, and liberty. Life once overlooked, and now life looked over. Love once ignored, now love explored. A prisoner once chained to mind, Now liberated, my spirit roams free. The new season brings new rules. Not the rules of my old existence, But the rules of universal love. For my love to be true, My life must be as well, As it is loves...

New Season

Beloved be bless by Martha Munizzi as she ministers through this anointed prophetic  song ,  know that it is a new season and a new day, a fresh anointing is coming your way. Sit back and relax and listen to this uplifting song as it delivers a powerful message.   There is a New Season!

Magnify the Lord

“ Oh, magnify the Lord with me and exalt his holy name together (Psalm 34:3).” Here the palmist encourages us to praise God; you will find David’s personal testimony as the beginning of the text unfolds (Psalm 34:1-3). The word magnify Heb.(gadal) literally means to make large in body, mind, estate…... to bring up, exceed. Think of looking at something small through a magnifying glass then it appears larger through the glass lens. The glass makes it appear bigger yet it maintains its size. To demonstrate and associate God using the magnifying glass we know that God cannot appear larger because He is already bigger than we could ever imagine. How great is our God? His greatness surpasses man’s understanding. God is greater than all situations and troubles, He’s greater than all our fears; His greatness can be accounted through many actions of miracles presented throughout the Bible. If we trust Him, He is well able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. We have to ...

It's A Beautiful Day

Let this video bless you and bring happiness to your day such an uplifting song, be blessed It's A Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace

I Believe

If God said it that settles it, it's already done, just BELIEVE . Whatever you are believing God for, Trust Him; He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6). As you listen to this inspiring song by James Fortune & Fiya, I pray it minister and encourage your spirit  know matter what you are facing or how you are feeling to continue to trust and believe God no matter how hard it gets.  Let us pray: Father we praise You because You are a passionate God. We thank You for bringing  your Word to pass in our lives.  Nothing is impossible for You. Strenghten our hears so we can walk by faith and believe You for the impossible things in our lives. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Your Hope Remains

Psalm 39:7 And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in thee. What are you hoping for? Hope is a most powerful word to inspire and motivate. Some meanings of hope that I have seen are very encouraging such as: Hope-Have Only Positive Expectations. Hope-Hold On Pain Ends. Hope-Hold Onto Prayer Everyday. These positive words of hope when things aren’t going right, when life deals some painful blows, when tragedy strikes can help shift our focus. Sometimes life does not go as planned, there are some unexpected we may encounter that may have us wanting to give up or just feel hopeless. Let’s deal with reality, challenges and difficulties are part of life and who doesn’t go through failures, setbacks and challenges. The blessed side is how we respond and react to them. My encouragement is to those who feel like they are at the end of their ropes and for those who feel like they have been forgotten and those who have come face to face with still another failure, i...

Never Give You Up

Never give up on God because He want give up on us. When you love someone you don't want to give up on them and that is how God is with us, He loves us so much that He will never give us up. God's love is real. There is hope in Him; He sent his Son as a sacrifice for us. He is the only one that will understand us better than any human being on this planet. Even when you are feeling a sense of doubt, fear and hopelessness God is with you, as Amy Grant worship God from her heart through Her song  "Never Give You Up" let us come into His presence as we worship God in our hearts that not in a million years I will never give You up. Scripture: Hebrew 13:5..."I will never leave you nor forsake you."

You Don't KnowThe Cost

In the society we live in today we accumulate and buy things that are valuable and not so valuable. We are a consumer culture; we buy to fulfill our basic and not so basic needs to survive. As we progress in our life we tend to make changes throughout our earthly journey. Let us reflect on changes that brings growth to us personally and spiritually. Our best model of progressing toward spiritual growth is becoming more like Jesus Christ. Paul urges us to follow the example of Christ in I Peter 2:21"For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps." And when we commit to following Christ our loyalty to the things of the world would be less casual. Loyalty, what is it-loyalty is valuable and it is a very rare quality found these days. Being loyal demonstrates our commitment to Christ. How would you define your loyalty to Christ? No better example of loyalty would be expressed is found in the I Chron...

The Beauty of God, He Answers.

Psalm 46:10 Be Still And Know That I Am God. I heard your cry and I know your name. I have not forgotten about you. I am coming to see about you. I will be exalted in the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.  Nothing is too hard for me. Trust me, I have a plan and I am working it out. You are my child, I made you, I carried you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Be still and know that I am God. For I Love You. 

Alabaster Box

This is an incredible song, one that will take you to the feet of Jesus.  "Until the day Jesus came to me and healed my soul with the wonder of His touch."  I pray this song ministers to you as you break open your box and give praise and glory to God in adoration, allowing the fragrance of your oil to be released through your worship. Be an alabaster worshiper, pure worship. "I beseech you therefore, brethen by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1 KJV

You Can't Get There If You Don't Get Started

Blessed is the man who finds out which way God is moving and then gets going in the same direction. –Anonymous.  Even though we are in the 8th month of August or where ever we may be in life, it does not matter, what really matters is that Now is the time. It is time to step out and move from where we are in life to where God wants us to be. And in order to do that we have to get moving. We can’t get there if we don’t get started, if we plan to fail to start; we fail to plan to start. The Oxford Thesaurus explains “start” as to begin, to commence, to establish.….it is getting up and getting out of the box, getting out of the boat and getting out of that comfortable place. You may feel like you in a holding pattern, like all progress seems to have stopped----as though things have become habit forming and complacency. You may be thinking you are out of place with God.  God can work right where we are and will help us get moving even if we don’t know where to start. He moti...

God Is Calling You Higher

The author Vance Havner once said ‘The man who is prepared to die is prepared to live.” When a person decides that taking up one’s cross and following after God is more important than the profits of the world that's  when you know that self is not main event.   For one to forsake all and follow after Christ requires sacrifice and obedience. In the book of Luke 14th,  Christ gave the disciples a command according to verses 26-27; 33, to surrender all, follow Him and become his disciple. He mentions if they could not renounce all-people in their lives that they loved the most, and if they are not willing to follow Christ, they could not become a disciple. Our love for GOD should be first and foremost; and that means stepping away from whatever may stand in the way of our “YES” to God’s will for our life. God is our guide for life. It’s like getting on a plane and allowing God to navigate and control the plane from one place to another until we reac...

A Blowing of the Wind

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ”To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the sun.” On Monday, July 6th I was riding in my car from one city to another to attend my neice graduation. I decided to cut the air off in the car and let the window down to enjoy the cool breeze that was blowing. As the wind was blowing it was as if the Father was speaking to me saying “prepare for a blowing of the wind.” There’s a sound in the wind, on Pentecost there was a sound which revealed an action. The wind is blowing, be prepared for a shifting and to move forward in your assignments, callings and direction. As I think of the wind I think of speed and direction; a force in the atmosphere. A season of acceleration is coming your way.   In the Hebrew word ruach, means the wind, breath, the spirit of God. The very breath and spirit of God is moving us into another direction. You have to move with the shift, God is going to accelerate some of you spiritually and physically from the ...


To God Be The Glory!!! Greeting and Welcome to 4Kings and Queens, family of the royal priesthood of Christ. If you are reading this blog God’s hand is on your life; your life has been set apart for a divine purpose. That purpose is to be driven to do the will of God. If you have been adopted into the family of God then you become heirs with Him. All believers, male or female, young or old  t here is no age limit when your life is predestined by God. We're told in Jeremiah 1:5; Jeremiah was young when God called him and declared to him “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Just as God set Jeremiah apart for his divine purpose, that is what he wants to do in our lives based upon obedience and willingness to allow Him to help us walk out your divine calling.   I know there' s a great possibility that you know their lies a king in you brother and their lies a queen in you sist...